For regular build-up as well as for correction purposes.
Dentin - APV S&Z
The APVolution Powders can be used for APVolution Z as well as for APVolution S.
The Dentin A4 Powder can be used for conventional layering straight onto the zirconia frame. With the Range-Dentin A4, shades from A4 and darker can be easily achieved with the slight use of the Chroma Shade stains. The fluorescend AP paste stains are ideal for any kind of color modification or adjustment.
At the same time, mixing the Dentin A4 powder with the A3 Powder results in a Dentin A3.5 shade as well. This technique is very economic and saves on unecessary inventory in particular
There are nine Dentin, three Transpa Dentin- AP Value Based Systen , fourteen Enamel-Transpa and Opal Layering Powders available.
The AP Value Based System is designed in three different categories.
APVolution Light -for all light shades: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, D2 APVolution Dark -for all medium to darker shades: A3, A3.5, B3, C3, D3 APVolution Dark Plus -for all dark shades: A4, B4, C4, D4 Enamel-, Transpa and Opal Powders are available in 20g and 40g:
Enamel1 Transpa White Opal Enamel 1 Opal 1 Enamel 2 Transpa Amber Opal Enamel 2 Opal 2 Transpa Blue Opal Enamel 3 Transpa Clear Transpa Orange Transpa Pink