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With AP Dental Aqualine your materials will always have the right viscosity. Drying out is prevented by the cellulose strips continuously absorbing liquid from the reservoir.Size: 260 x 170 x 32 mm. 

Aqualine Tray with glass plate and top lid, cellulose strips, self- adhesive write-on labels for glass plate and stain




  • scratchproof glass surface and dustproof cover
  • large fluid reservoir and integrated stain tray
  • evenly rounded design for easy care and cleaning

Aqualine Smart

SKU: 9017
  • Aqualine smart fits in, even when there‘s little space available. With its sophisticated design and proven functions, it is more than a match for its big brother from the professional range.

    In a compact design, the Aqualine smart offers everything a perfect ceramic workplace needs. The moisture of the materials is constantly kept at the perfect level via cellulose strips, without producing any unpleasant odors. There is no chance of materials drying out. It saves on costs and materials. The overall ergonomic design allows efficient working processes in the smallest of spaces – simply smart, isn’t it?

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