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Merging user-oriented operation, short sintering cycles, low energy consumption and a very small footprint. Materialized through the AUSTROMAT 664, the DEKEMA specific SiC heating technology makes it possible. Approximately forty copings or restorations with up to six units can by reliably sintered in one cycle with up to 1.530 °C. 


AP Dental Dekema Austromat 664

SKU: 9135

    The high temperature furnace AUSTROMAT 664 is equipped with two silicon carbide heating elements to safely and consistently operate at temperatures up to 1.530 °C. All components of the AUSTROMAT 664 sintering chamber are made of highest purity, durable materials to ensure very homogeneous heat distribution in a clean atmosphere. 

    A patent pending, DEKEMA specific Platinum/Platinum Rhodium thermocouple monitors the temperature inside the sintering chamber. Approximately 20 copings with a maximum diameter of 65 mm might be simultaneously sintered on top of the patented insulation table, optionally in two levels doubling capacity. Our time tested AUTODRY system has been further improved, providing both, precise drying steps, as well as quick and direct heating and cooling steps, for extremely short sintering cycles. 


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